Free and Fun! Here are some great events for kids and their families happening this summer in Hastings Sunrise! –

After three years of Covid limitations, the HSCPC’s outreach program is back in full swing. Our staff and volunteers are thrilled about joining numerous events this summer, connecting with community members and providing information about safety and crime prevention. Of course, our popular Mini-POPAT* for kids (see below) will have a comeback as well! Bring your whole family – all of Hastings Sunrise’s summer events make for a lot of fun!
■ Nina Kreis, coordinator, Hastings Sunrise CPC
Franklin School Association presents:
Franklin Community Gathering Come check out the Mini-POPAT*, face painting, balloon twisting, and games. BBQ by donation or feel free to bring your own picnic! Fun for all ages! Located at Franklin Elementary School, 250 Skeena St.
Saturday June 24 – 4 to 7 PM
Thunderbird Community Centre presents:
Thunderbird Summer Kick-Off Kick off the summer with golfing, face painting, meeting Firefighters, and the Mini-POPAT*, 2311 Cassiar St., in the gravel field behind Thunderbird Community Centre
Thursday June 29 – 1 to 3 PM