Shredding Day 2022 

Mark your calendars! Our next Shredding Day will be happening on Saturday, May 7th from 10 am to 1 pm in the Sunrise Square Parking Lot (2500 Franklin Street). 

It’s a great opportunity for community members to dispose of personal documents to prevent identity theft and do something good for the environment. 

The suggested donation is $10 per box and all proceeds go to the Hastings Sunrise Community Policing Centre to help keep our neighbourhood safe!

If you have any questions about the event, please contact us at 604-717-3584 or 

ICBC March Distracted Driving Campaign 

This month, ICBC and police around the province are reminding drivers to leave their phones alone!  

Even short glances away from the road increases your risk of crashing. Leave your phone alone while driving.



Tips for Drivers:

  • Make sure you have everything you need ready before hitting the road. Reaching for objects on the floor, in the glove box, or the back seat takes your eyes off the road and could lead to a crash.
  • Avoid looking at or interacting with screens while driving, even if you’re using your phone hands-free.
  • If you find it difficult to take a break from your phone while driving, turn it to “do not disturb” mode and keep it out of reach and out of sight.
  • Even when stopped at a light or in heavy traffic, you’re still driving, and need to be aware of what’s going on around you. You’re less likely to see pedestrians and cyclists when you’re looking at your phone or in-dash screens.

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Tips for Pedestrians and Cyclists

  • Pedestrians: Pay attention to what’s happening around you, especially when approaching intersections. Remove your headphones and put away your cellphone so you can see, hear and respond to keep yourself safe.
  • Cyclists: Riding in traffic is demanding. Avoid distractions and never assume drivers see you. Don’t use headphones or electronic devices so you can see, hear and respond to the unexpected and keep yourself safe. 

You can find more information on the ICBC website

ICBC December CounterAttack Campaign 

ICBC and police are teaming up for the annual December CounterAttack campaign, urging drivers to be responsible and plan ahead for a safe ride home this holiday season.

The campaign kicks off this weekend and police will be looking for impaired drivers at roadchecks set up across the province throughout December.

More people may choose to attend holiday gatherings this year where public health orders allow, but one message remains as strict as ever: if you drink, don’t drive.

Lost & Found 

If you lose (or find!) something and seek help at the Hastings Sunrise CPC, we will likely refer you to the VPD Property Office at 2010 Glen Drive.

The Property Office receives and stores public property, including vehicles, evidence, safekeeping articles, or simply found items. When someone brings in a found item to the HSCPC, it is logged and secured. Within a few days Vancouver Police take it to Glen Drive for safekeeping until the owner claims it.

There, staff look for any reports about stolen or lost property. “We make every effort to phone the owner, or mail a letter if there is no phone number available,” says Justin Hull, manager of the VPDs Property and Forensic Storage Facility. If the owner doesn’t retrieve it within 90 days, its finder can claim it back. If the item contains personal information it gets recycled; otherwise, unclaimed items are sold at an annual auction. (See VPD social media accounts for auction details.)

Super Volunteer! 

If you started volunteering in one of the Hastings Sunrise CPC volunteer programs, there is a very good chance that you will meet Kajol Gounder sooner than later.

She came to the HSCPC in August 2020 and is now one of our most involved individuals: Kajol is a patrol team shift leader one evening a week, works the front office one afternoon a week and joins road safety shifts whenever she can. She also actively participates in CPC outreach events, such as Shredding Day, and just recently got hired as a member of our Sunrise Safety Team.

Kajol found her way to the CPC very early on in life as she and her sister participated in Community Cleanup events during high school. “I came back to the CPC last year in order to learn about law enforcement, get to know other volunteers and become more comfortable talking to people. I have found all of these things at the CPC,” Kajol explains.

Watch for Catalytic Converter Thieves! 

Your vehicle likely has a small treasure trove of precious metals hidden underneath it – and thieves armed with power saws and grinders are out to steal it.

Catalytic converters are part of the exhaust system, meant to reduce pollutants. They contain metals such as platinum, rhodium and palladium, whose value has risen sharply in recent years.

Thieves can slip under your vehicle, using a jack if necessary, and cut out the converter in less than two minutes. They can sell it to metal recyclers for up to several hundred dollars. The recyclers then extract the metal and resell it for a huge profit; as of mid-October of this year, rhodium was valued at US$14,000 an ounce!

ICBC Pedestrian Safety Campaign 

When drivers fail to yield, pedestrians pay the price. Busy intersections and shorter days mean that drivers need to be extra careful during fall and winter.

As the weather changes and daylight hours decrease, pedestrians become more vulnerable.

Nearly half (44 per cent) of all crashes with pedestrians happen between October and January. Even when drivers proceed with caution, it’s hard to see pedestrians when visibility is poor.

In B.C., 79 per cent of crashes involving pedestrians happen at intersections. Whether it’s taking a break from your phone or yielding the right-of-way, we all need to do our part to keep pedestrians safe.

You can get your free pedestrian reflector at our office at 2620 East Hastings Street while supplies last!

Fall Distracted Driving Campaign 

Distracted Driving continues to be a leading contributing factor in fatal car crashes, where roughly one in four fatal crashes on B.C. roads involves driver distraction. That’s why, for the month of September, ICBC and police around the province are encouraging drivers to leave their phones alone.

We all play a part in making our roads safe – when you’re behind the wheel, focus on the road!

If you’re looking at your phone, you can’t see the road

Checking your phone at a red light may seem harmless, but the truth is using an electronic device behind the wheel is a dangerous distraction. Even when stopped, it affects your focus. You’re five times more likely to crash if you’re using your hand-held phone.

Leave your phone alone #EyesFwdBC

Resisting the temptation of e-mails, texts, calls, posts and cat videos can be hard but it can be done similar to being at the movies, at customs, during takeoff or landing. Think of all the times that you don’t feel like taking a break from your phone but do!

The cost of distracted driving

If you’re caught distracted driving, you’ll be ticketed and receive a fine of $368.

Every ticket for distracted driving also adds four driver penalty points to your driving record. If you have four or more points at the end of a 12-month period, you pay a driver penalty point (DPP) premium. These premiums start at $252 and increase for every point you accumulate. You may also have to pay a driver risk premium if you get more than one distracted driving ticket in a three-year period.

With increased enforcement throughout B.C., multiple infractions can now put a serious dent in your wallet.

Cleanups Are Back: Join Us! 

Volunteers from Ismaili CIVIC joined other community members in picking up more than 25 bags of trash during a recent Community Cleanup event.

“Talking trash” can be a good thing – if you’re talking about the Community Cleanups staged every second Saturday by the Hastings Sunrise Community Policing Centre!

After a lull during earlier stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, the program is back in full swing. Community members are invited to register in advance (see below *).
“We’ll stroll through a neighbourhood at 10am looking for trash that can fit in our bag,” says HSCPC volunteer Sampson Hsieh. “We provide the equipment – safety vest, gloves, tongs and bags.
“Each participant gets different things out of it. We have student participants attend as it’s part of their school volunteer requirements. We’ve had friends and families attend as an activity to do together. I’ve had a father bring his son and daughter, to set an example what it’s like to be a grown-up. I’ve also had participants attend just to meet different people.
“They all leave feeling satisfied, knowing that they made a difference in the community.”

Provincial Impaired Driving Campaign 


Sadly, each year in B.C., 67 people die in crashes involving impaired driving. Almost half of those deaths happen during the summer, meanwhile other deaths happen during what should be joyous celebrations during the December holidays. 

No matter what time of year, there are many options to get home safely if you’ve had a drink or two. So, whether it’s after work or play, make the smart choice. Remember, the best time to decide how to get home responsibly is before you start drinking.

Police across the province look for impaired drivers at CounterAttack roadchecks during summer and winter. ICBC supports enforcement activities such as roadchecks to help make our roads safer for everyone.

Health Care Expands in Northeast Vancouver 

Hastings Sunrise and surrounding neighbourhoods have a new health care hub situated at 2788 East Hastings. The Northeast Urgent and Primary Care Centre, operated by Coastal Health, opened Feb. 16.

Currently, urgent care is available for clients who need medical assistance within 12 to 24 hours but can’t see their own primary health care provider in that time, or do not have one.

Ana Fernandez, the centre’s manager, explains that “the centre is not for life threatening situations, but functions as a walk-in clinic that anyone can access without a referral”. Patients who are unsure if the clinic is suitable for their needs are encouraged to call 811 where a nurse will be able to help them assess where to go.

Safety Team Moves Into Boundary Area 

Big changes are coming to the East Hastings business area from Cassiar to Boundary Road – and your BIA/CPC partnership will be there to help.

That section of the “East Village” has long been served by the Hastings Sunrise Community Policing Centre (CPC), but now the Hastings North Business Improvement Association (BIA) has expanded eastward to represent this rapidly changing business area.

Continue reading “Safety Team Moves Into Boundary Area”

New Wage Subsidies 

A wage subsidy program offered by the Vancouver North East WorkBC Centre is an opportunity for employers to re-hire laid-off employees, hire new ones, and connect with WorkBC clients looking for jobs. This is one of the multiple employment support programs offered by MOSAIC BC.

For eligible employers and job-seekers, the new and revised program subsidizes wages for up to 24 weeks. WorkBC staff will help with applications, and then follow up with support and monitoring.

Continue reading “New Wage Subsidies”

Mobile Support for Mental Health 

Our Nina Kreis with Cst. Ian Mayne.

Working at the Community Policing Centre in Hastings Sunrise, our staff and volunteers see more and more people on the streets who live with mental disorders such as schizophrenia or drug-induced psychosis.

Most encounters don’t necessarily pose a threat to the people involved, but supporting people with mental illness can be difficult and confusing. The HSCPC’s goal has been to help people in mental distress as best we can, so we have spent more time on educating ourselves about available resources.

I recently had the chance to spend a shift with Constable Ian Mayne of the Vancouver Police Department (VPD) and Kyle Andersen of Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH). They are part of the VPD Assertive Outreach Team (AOT) that provides short-term transitional support for clients with complex mental health issues.

Continue reading “Mobile Support for Mental Health”