Watch for Coyotes –
In light of increasing concerns about coyote-related incidents in the Hastings Sunrise area, the Hastings Sunrise Community Policing Centre (HSCPC) recently hosted a coyote safety educational presentation provided by the Stanley Park Ecology Society (SPES).
“This area connects green belts and will likely always have coyotes travelling through,” according to Nadia Xenakis, urban wildlife programs coordinator for the society.
“As there are a lot of townhouse complexes and buildings with high population densities, things like proper garbage management and keeping cats indoors are key.”
Here’s how to keep safe from coyotes:
- Audit your properties and neighbourhoods for attractants (shelter and food)
- Keep dogs leashed and cats indoors
- Conduct hazing when encountering a coyote that is lingering or getting too close (scream, wave your arms, walk towards coyote, use airhorns, throw objects NEAR not AT the coyote, etc.)
You can report coyote sightings by using 311 or through the SPES website:
If you encounter an aggressive coyote–ears lowered, gaze fixed, teeth bared, growling, hackles raised–or see someone directly feeding a coyote, immediately contact the BC Conservation Officer Service through the RAPP line: 1-877-952-7277
If you encounter an injured or sick coyote, you can try calling Critter Care Wildlife Society, the only wildlife rehabilitation center in the Lower Mainland for native mammal species: 604-530-2064
If you see an abandoned property (that may provide a denning or shelter site to coyotes), or garbage buildup, call 311.