Lost & Found –
If you lose (or find!) something and seek help at the Hastings Sunrise CPC, we will likely refer you to the VPD Property Office at 2010 Glen Drive.
The Property Office receives and stores public property, including vehicles, evidence, safekeeping articles, or simply found items. When someone brings in a found item to the HSCPC, it is logged and secured. Within a few days Vancouver Police take it to Glen Drive for safekeeping until the owner claims it.
There, staff look for any reports about stolen or lost property. “We make every effort to phone the owner, or mail a letter if there is no phone number available,” says Justin Hull, manager of the VPDs Property and Forensic Storage Facility. If the owner doesn’t retrieve it within 90 days, its finder can claim it back. If the item contains personal information it gets recycled; otherwise, unclaimed items are sold at an annual auction. (See VPD social media accounts for auction details.)
The office handles up to 70,000 items a year, including weapons, money and drugs. Since it also handles large items, such as boats and cars, the building is a large warehouse of 50,000 square feet. “The most curious thing we have received is probably an industrial welding station,” Justin Hull says. “It was definitely also one of the biggest.”
He recommends calling VPD non-emergency or making a report online if you lose personal property, especially bicycles. “Far too many items can’t be returned to their owners because we don’t have a corresponding police file number, which makes it hard for us to get the full picture of what happened and contact the lawful owner,” laments Justin.
“We do a good job of returning items to their owners who are often victims of crime,” he says. “We preserve important evidence for prosecution should a case go to trial.
“Far too often, we actually have to pass along bad news. But, what keeps me and many staff motivated, is when we call people telling them that their stolen or lost property has been recovered. The joy and happiness that people have when those calls are made is so great to hear.”
The public service counter at Glen Drive is open from 8am to 4:45pm Monday and Friday, and 8am to 7pm on Tuesday to Thursday (closed statutory holidays) or call their Lost & Found 604-717-2726.
Wallets and keys are some of the most common items turned in to the HSCPC. To improve chances of getting your keys back, protect them with TB Vets key tags, available by donation at the HSCPC office