Sunrise Safety Team

The Sunrise Safety Team works to develop relationships with community members – especially in the business district — with the aim of deterring crime and increasing public safety.

Two-person teams patrol the area 5 hours per day, 6 days per week. They look for signs of potential crime or disorder and visit businesses to discuss safety concerns. The Sunrise Safety Team reports to the Vancouver Police Department (VPD) and the Hastings Sunrise CPC, to identify crime trends. Sunrise Safety Team members are easily identifiable by their light blue jackets and vests. 

The program is operated in partnership with the Hastings North Business Improvement Association (HNBIA).


  • provide a positive presence while acting as “Eyes and Ears” for the police and community
  • educate businesses about crime prevention and business safety
  • facilitate the exchange of information among the VPD, City of Vancouver (CoV), HSCPC, HNBIA and businesses
  • promote HSCPC and HNBIA programs, activities and other resources among residents, businesses and visitors
  • help homeless and other disadvantaged people to access services and support