Report a Crime –
To make our community a safer place, report ALL crimes occurring in our area to both Vancouver Police and the Hastings Sunrise CPC.
- Call 911 immediately to report a serious crime, including a crime in progress or one that might be about to happen.
- Call VPD non-emergency at 604-717-3321 for crimes that are not emergencies.
- Then call the Hastings Sunrise CPC at 604-717-3584 and tell us what you have reported to police.
We also want to hear safety complaints and concerns that you might not consider worth reporting directly to police. We record all concerns and make them available to our Neighbourhood Police Officer. This ensures that crime trends for our area are accurately reflected in VPD statistics and allocation of police resources.
HSCPC volunteers can provide community resource information and organize citizen patrols in areas where criminal activity has increased.
The VPD provides an internet site for on-line citizen reporting at to report minor property crime under $10,000. The report will be viewed within 24 hours and you should receive an email response with a Vancouver Police file number within 48 hours. If additional resources are needed to address the reported crime, a police officer may contact you for additional information. Please report these incidents to the HSCPC as well.